
My publications can also be found on my Google Scholar page.


As a result of the fact that my work frequently crosses numerous fields, I publish in a number of places with various standards and customs. I have added a variety of educational symbols in addition to the citation information for each article, which will, if available, contain links to a pdf version. The location where the work was published is indicated by an icon to the left of a publication’s citation information. Other information is shown by icons underneath a publication’s citation information.

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Peer-reviewed papers

  • Aref Ghaderi, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A data-driven model to predict constitutive and failure behaviour of elastomers considering the strain rate, temperature, and filler ratio (2023).

  • Aref Ghaderi, Ramin Akbari, Yang Chen, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A Knowledge-driven Physics-Informed Neural Network model; Pyrolysis and Ablation of Polymers (2022).

  • Aref Ghaderi, vahid Morovati, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A Bayesian surrogate constitutive model to estimate failure probability of elastomers (2021).

  • Aref Ghaderi, Vahid Morovati, Yang Chen, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A physics-informed multi-agents model to predict thermo-oxidative/hydrolytic aging of elastomers (2022).

  • Aref Ghaderi, Hossein Hassani, and Saeed Khodaygan. A Bayesian-reliability based multi-objective optimization for tolerance design of mechanical assemblies (2021).

  • Aref Ghaderi, Vahid Morovati, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A Physics-Informed Assembly of Feed-Forward Neural Network Engines to Predict Inelasticity in Cross-Linked Polymers (2020).

  • Hossein Hassani, Saeed Khodaygan, and Aref Ghaderi. Bayesian reliability-based robust design optimization of mechanical systems under both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties (2021).

  • Saeed Khodaygan, and Aref Ghaderi. Tolerance–reliability analysis of mechanical assemblies for quality control based on Bayesian modeling (2019). https://doi/10.1108/AA-06-2018-081

  • Aref Ghaderi, Esmael Ghavanloo, and S.A. Fazelzadeh. Reliability analysis of carbon nanotube-based nano-truss under various loading conditions (2020).

  • Aref Ghaderi, and Roozbeh Dargazany. Modeling the burning of polymer matrix, training collocation physics-informed neural network (2022).

  • Aref Ghaderi, Yang Chen, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A physics-based data-driven approach for modeling of environmental degradation in elastomers (2022).

  • Amir Bahrololoumi, Aref Ghaderi, Mamoon Shaafaey, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A Micro-Mechanical Constitutive Model to Predict Hygrothermal Aging of Cross-Linked Polymers (2021).

  • Aref Ghaderi, Vahid Morovati, Amir Bahrololoumi, and Roozbeh Dargazany. A Physics-Informed Neural Network Constitutive Model for Cross-Linked Polymers (2020).

  • Aref Ghaderi, Vahid Morovati, Pouyan Nasiri, and Roozbeh Dargazany. Uncertainty Quantification in Predicting Behaviour of Rubber-Like Materials in Uni-Axial Loading (2020).

  • Vahid Morovati, Aref Ghaderi, and Roozbeh Dargazany. Data-Driven Constitutive Modeling of the Progressive Softening in Elastomeric Gels With Interpenetrating Networks (2020).